Camden Friends of the Earth is part of the Coalition for a Sustainable Brent Cross Cricklewood Redevelopment, which opposes the current £4.5 billion Brent Cross Cricklewood (BXC) redevelopment plans. Following on from last week’s ruling on Heathrow, the following letter has been sent to local press (Update: 5 April 2010 – the letter was published in this week’s Ham & High, click the image on the right to view.):

Last week a high court ruling stopped the Government’s plans for a third runway at Heathrow on the grounds that it failed to take climate change into account. The judge rightly pointed out that the expansion ignores the Climate Change Act, requiring CO2 emissions to be cut by 80% by 2050.

Friends of the Earth groups across London have been campaigning against the proposed expansion, and welcome this landmark decision. It is ludicrous that aviation should be allowed to grow unrestricted, at the expense of other sectors in order to comply with emissions legislation. The consultation was also rigged to downplay the air and noise pollution impacts of, and exaggerate the business case for, the expansion.

Following this victory should we, amongst other groups campaigning against the Brent Cross Cricklewood development, await a sensible outcome on this front too? John Denham, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has put a “stop notice” on this controversial green-washed development, whilst he gives it further consideration. This is one of the largest developments in the country. Yet it is not “low emission” and is highly car-based. Will these outdated plans, conceived before current legislation, not make a significant contribution to carbon emissions as well as air pollution? The business case is also unravelling in the current recession, as developers struggle and look elsewhere to invest.

Will we have something else to celebrate before Parliament dissolves for the election?

Viv Stein, Robert Gray – Brent Friends of the Earth
Jess Gold, Susan Poupard – Camden Friends of the Earth
Phil Fletcher – Barnet & Enfield Friends of the Earth
Jim Roland – Islington Friends of the Earth

For more information on the Brent Cross Cricklewood development please see the Brent Friends of the Earth website.