Tr Prim Hill 16.04.16 6

#pesticidebuster bees getting new signatures at Transition Primrose Hill seeds swap event

Over the next few months our #pesticidebuster bees will be buzzing around Camden and we’d love you to join us. We made our first stop outside Primrose Hill library on 16 April and, despite the cold, we added several new signatures to our campaign.

As well as signing our petition to ask the council to stop using pesticides, we also plan to write directly to garden centres and other retailers of pesticides who are close to the event to demonstrate the strength of local commitment to eliminating the most hazardous pesticides.

Finally we’ll be promoting Friends of the Earth’s Great British Bee Count which runs from 19 May to 30 June and helping you identify the different species of bee.

Watch out for us at these next events: