Camden Friends of the Earth is part of a coalition of local organisations supporting “An Economy for the 99%” – a day of talks and workshops designed to share ideas and make it happen, to be held on Saturday 24 November at Camden Town Hall in Kings Cross.
There are two central themes: developing an alternative to austerity and the need to combat climate change. The two are intrinsically linked – massive investment in green measures such as energy efficiency, sustainable transport systems, and renewable energy will address climate change and create jobs.
We have a inspiring line up of keynote speakers and workshop sessions. Speakers include Charles Secrett, ex- Executive Director of Friends of the Earth; Chris Baugh, Assistant General Secretary of PCS trade union; Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party; George Barda, the Occupy Movement; Danielle Paffard of Move Your Money, and Cllr Phil Jones, London Borough of Camden Cabinet Member for Sustainability.
Tickets cost £6 (£3 concessions) – book your tickets online
Tickets are also available from Housmans bookshop, Kings Cross.
You can also join and share the Facebook page for the event.