20 steps closer to Circular Economy in Camden

As more local authorities, governments, and companies give increasing recognition to the value of Circular Economy (CE), it seems like the term has become a synonym of sustainability, a catchy -almost tokenistic- phrase that is on everyone’s mind. With this, it is fair to wonder how can we support and implement CE in our communities?

Camden’s Climate Action Plan: Landscape of Opportunities

In July 2019, Camden Council held a Citizens’ Assembly on the climate crisis, the first of its kind in the UK, to develop a set of proposals on how Camden should address the climate emergency. These proposals, based on evidence and recommendations from scientists, environmental groups and energy practitioners, informed the new Camden’s Climate Action

BEFORE THE FLOOD – 30 November – 7.30pm The Grafton

Camden Friends of the Earth will be screening Leonardo Di Caprio’s documentary about Climate Change ‘Before the Flood’, a must see production. Compelling and beautifully executed, the film explores the dynamics at play in the fight against global warming. The evening will also be an opportunity to socialise and network, so bring your friends and spread the word in

A climate change hustings for Holborn & St Pancras

This Wednesday we have a unique opportunity to quiz the candidates who are standing in the Holborn & St Pancras constituency on their responses to climate change – whether that’s from a fuel poverty & social justice, international negotiations, energy generation, transport, air pollution, or other perspectives. This will be a chance to demonstrate the importance of an

Marching for Climate Justice

Alex, Jess and Susan from Camden Friends of the Earth joined the Campaign Against Climate Change Climate Justice march to Parliament on Saturday 3 December. Did you know? 7% of the world’s population produce 50% of the world’s emissions 7% of the world’s emissions are produced by 50% of the world’s population “David Cameron” even