Cecil Sharp House in Regents Park Road was host to the wonderful London Permaculture Festival today, with talks, workshops, films and environmental groups from all over London joining in!
Sharat, Shiv and Susan had a successful day’s campaigning on Fix the Food Chain, getting over 100 postcards signed to persuade MPs to support the Sustainable Livestock Bill. Our ‘moo masks’ were popular with younger visitors and there were some great ideas added to our planet-friendly farming ideas tree…
“happier animals make tastier meat!”…”every council should provide subsidised veg + fruit growing lessons”…”family days on organic/permaculture farms”…”supermarkets to support local growers”

We also got a lot of interest for our upcoming 10/10/10 vegan banquet event (please save the date…more details on this to be announced soon!).
You can also take an online action to ask your MP to support the Sustainable Livestock Bill in its reading in Parliament in November.